Resilient Healthcare Coalition : Building Stronger Canadian Health Care Systems

Looking to catalyze a vital cross-government policy conversation at the dawn of a new mandate for the Government of Canada, the Resilient Healthcare Coalition (RHC) has taken the liberty of drafting a proposed Joint Mandate Letter.

Addressed to both the Minister of Health and the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, we hope the letter serves as an inspiration for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as he determines the strategic direction of his new government.

Beginning on the next page, the letter also reflects not only the RHC’s belief in the fundamental connection between population health and economic health, but also our top two policy objectives: (1) optimizing the use of health care data to betterinform health care decisions; and (2) expanding and accelerating access to innovative health technologies – from vaccines and diagnostics to therapeutics and medical devices.

We hope that this letter sparks a new period of inclusive policymaking that leverages health system leaders from industry, research, and patient groups across the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.